Data Architecture & Information Management


We have over 20 years experience developing, delivering and leading data architecture assessments, supporting technical system construction and  developing information output solutions. 

We take a practical approach to data architecture and information:

  • Determining what information is critical for business needs such as compliance, decision making, evaluation and business planning and working back to the data you need to collect in order to deliver.

  • Making data collection logical and intuitive for those providing it.

  • Setting business rules to help ensure data is going to provide useful information when it’s extracted.

  • Ensuring data collected is translated into information that can be easily extracted by those who need it.

Our extensive experience includes:

Data architecture transition

  • Turning an antiquated provincial major multi-disciplinary health and safety inspection collection system into a single streamlined user-friendly Oracle-based data collection and information retrieval system.

System Design

  • Grant accountability system - Designing and launching a new provincial extranet data reporting system to ensure accountability and fiscal responsibility of grant recipients.

Working with E-vendors

  • We have worked with private sector and government I.T. technical teams to communicate business/operational system requirements so they can build a data collection system that will support business needs.

  • Our experience includes both Oracle-based systems and Microsoft SharePoint-based systems.

User support

  • Developing and delivering provincial user support systems and training programs to facilitate transition to using new e-solutions including establishing champions, developing a user manual, delivering user training programs.

Information Retrieval

  • Designing customized output reports to meet business needs from data collected ininformation systems.

"Extensive data analysis led by Sue revealed the strength of our data system and its potential to drive decision making"

What we can do for you…

 We can work with your team to work through the many critical steps and processes necessary todevelop and deliver a major data collection and information retrieval system.  We can also work with your IT team or vendor in one of the most critical steps of the process – ensuring they design the system to meet your vision and needs.