Young, New, & Vulnerable Worker Health
& Safety Initiatives


Who are vulnerable workers?

Any worker of any age who is new to the job they’re assigned is three times more likely to be injured in the first four weeks on the job than at any other time (Institute for Work and Health research).

Besides being “new”,  and therefore lacking experience, those most vulnerable to workplace injuries include certain types of workers and precarious working conditions.

Types of workers who are most vulnerable:

  • Any worker who starts a new job or a new task with their current employer

  • Young workers

  • Recent immigrants

  • Foreign temporary workers

  • Older workers/aging workforce

  • Workers earning just enough money for food and shelter

  • Language and cultural differences

Working conditions that increases vulnerability:

  • Hazardous working conditions

  • Lack of training and supervision

  • Precarious work arrangements: low wages, multi part time jobs, short term work, seasonal work, contracted work, underground economy, non-union positions.

Sue’s leadership and expertise has contributed to many successful initiatives – experience that can help government, corporations and organizations identify and assess vulnerable worker issues and take action to help protect these marginalized workers.

What we can do for you…

No matter where you are with vulnerable worker strategies or initiatives, we can advance your position.

Assess current status

  • Evaluate current programs, polices or strategies, review statistics and research and provide advice on a new or renewed strategy and/or based on our experience, recommend specific initiatives.

Strategy development

  • Based on your goals, objectives, budget and time frame, develop a strategy that consider risk assessment, stakeholder support, resource responsibility and accountability.

Stakeholders and partners   

  • Assess potential strategic partnerships and recommend new ones.

  • Engage stakeholders.

  • Conduct consultations and/or establish new teams.

For specific initiatives:

  • Develop a comprehensive work plan that spans approval phases to implementation.

  • Establish an evaluation framework.

  • Provide assistance and advice for implementation and advice for maintaining and sustaining your initiatives.